Thursday, December 10, 2009

This Kid Has Definitely Earned the Darwin Award!

          I got this from Skeptic Magazine. It's sad, but a definite candidate for the Darwin Award right here. The article can be found here, and I will just post the text below. Talk about an unusual way to go:

Ukraine - A Ukrainian chemistry student who had the bizarre habit of chewing gum after dipping it in citric acid, has been found dead with his jaw blown off.

The student's jaw was believed to be blown off by exploding chewing gum.

Officers found citric acid packets and a similar-looking unidentified substance, believed to be some kind of explosive material, on a table near the 25-year-old's body, Russian news agency Ria Novosti said.

Investigators suspect the student confused the packets and put gum covered with explosive material into his mouth.

Wow...just, wow.......

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